Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What Is Country Music?

Is it the words, the instruments or just the whole vibe? Is it the praties or the cooking?

It sounds as if
  • Flop Eared Mule
  • is building to a major rant, so I thought it timely to think about what it means to me.

    When we first got cable tv there was a channel called CMT that purported to be country. They occasionally played some great tracks, some of which I managed to tape (notably Junior Brown, Hank Williams and The Burns Brothers), however on my analysis the CMT definition of country music was that someone in the video wore a hat.

    For me country music is music that reflects the lives and emotions of country people (or those who want to be). It helps if there's a banjo in there somewhere too.

    and no electric guitars either. electric guitars are the devil's work.
    We were blackballed from the bluegrass society because someone, who we'll call 'Clive', played an electric guitar at a society meeting. Gary's gorilla head might have had something to do with it too.
    rightly so, too, willie.

    these things start off appearantly harmless. a semi-accoustic and a little amplification "to bring out the nuiances" of a deft touch on the string.

    it rarely takes long before a little reverb creeps in. the more open minded amoung us, who have alowed this to proceed, should recognise this as a sign and cut out the cancer before it is too late.

    distortion marks the onset of the tertiary stage. rarely can the affliced recover from this.

    a note of warning, in the full blown tertiary stage, signified by the use of pedals, the condition can be very contagious. entire bands have been known too loose all musical credibility as a result of just a single member experimenting with only a flanger.
    Is there an excemption clause for the pedal steel?
    pedal steel is, of course, a different matter.

    having said that, the use of feet in playing music can, in itself, have nasty consequences and should only be done by experts or under their supervision. drummers are the text book example of these risks.
    tres cee the shed ontains people and wooden instruments making wooden music
    what causes the wooden instruments to make wooden music is yet to be identified.
    wouldn't you know it
    perhaps there is a wooden sequencer around here somewhere. a hollow thought you might say but this is, after all, a log.

    wood log, stardate 1955

    looking for an instrument as penetrating as a banjo with a deeper note.
    odviously, it is the work of our wooden god.
    i don't think so wood duck.

    it has often been argued that there is no instrument more penetrating than a well aimed banjo. to mind, though, a carefully targeted steel bodied guitar is best for that purpose.

    the telecaster is an excelent wepon but for close combat the les paul is unsurpassed.

    an ibanez bass is stands out for jousting and is also fearsome close-up in the hands of your very large musician however these types are usually better served using their height and weight to demonstrate just how strong les pauls really are.

    and wood duck, you must ask yourself, would a wooden god allow such things to exist?

    on a more serious note.

    where does african american country tradition fit into all this? as i understand it, this is largely the blues tradition.

    it seems to me that what 'we' see as country music is a set with two elements. the north european american country peoples music tradition and it's present incarnation and the australian country music tradition and it's current incarnation.

    as far as i can see, the australian country music tradition begins when the north european american country music is first introduced here. it may well be influenced by the australian country folk tradition, which itself is derivative of the irish or possibly galic folk tradition, but it doesn't start until the import of american white country music. it seems to me that, fortunately, this tradition was equally founded by white and indigenous australians. interestingly, i don't think that the same was ever true of the australian country folk tradition, so this may be one case where the import of american culture was good for us culturally.

    on the other hand, i don't believe that there has been a synthesis of the american country and blues traditions into a unified american country peoples music tradition. if there has, it would have to be rock and roll.

    is rock country, is blues. if not does it really 'reflect the lives and emotions of ' all 'country people'. either way i think your, apparently, nice clean line is blurring.

    this all raises another interesting, i think (its getting late), question. if you will humor me for a moment and solve the above problem by including blues within the country genre, does that make eric clapton and george thorogood country musicians? the point being, can we say that eric and george have aspirations of being enslaved in the cotton fields in the same way that you have allowed in your definition for those of us who have aspirations of being hillbillies drunk on moonshine?

    obviously, the above must have errors of fact. please feel free to disabuse me at will.
    Hey Randy man, yeah I guess that you can call delta blues country. It then moved to the cities, however there descendents flourishimg eg T-Model Ford, Junior Kimsborough and other inhabitants of the fat Possum label. The Eric that comes to mind for most people probably came out of the chicago blues tradition, although he was also into Robert Johnson.

    Keef on the other hand had both chicago blues influences and family bluegrass influences. George T. played lots of country. TBC

    you must also explain how you managed to get an electirc guitar and a gorilla head into the bluegrass society in the first place.
    when the delta blues moved to the city, was it still aspirationaly country?

    is that perhaps a stark difference? when blues became urbanised its aspirations also become urbanised, where as when country became, at least in part, urbanised it retained its bucolic aspirations?
    We snuck in at a moment of weakness. The temple dragons were off researching BC (Bluegrass Correctness) in the Appalachians. We also transgressed rule three, "parodies of bluegrass music do not constitute bluegrass music as described in the super-hyper-penultimate paragraph of rule one, sub-clause v"
    When all is said and done it's all music. The labels are all well and good for cattledogging cd's in Sanity or HMV, but I usually feel uneasy when musicians start targeting their music at these categories. However I appreciate the economic imperatives of conforming to the record company's desire to repeat the formula of the the last hit rather than trying to find new hits.
    so, have we decided that we can't define country music after all?

    how about the question of if the african and european american country music traditions were ever reconciled?

    what is the current incarnation of the african american rural music tradition? did it die with the trend towards urbanisation of the african american population?
    Sorry, I was half asleep this morning. There descendents of country blues flourishimg eg T-Model Ford, Junior Kimsborough and other inhabitants of the fat Possum label.

    with beauty comes hatred.

    with pleasure comes pain.

    our wooden god invented electic guitars so that we might see the beauty of true wooden instruments.
    so, country music is a set of three things?

    the european american rural music tradition and its present incarnation.

    the delta blues tradition and its present incarnation.

    and, the australian country music tradition.

    if eric, george and keef all play some country music, how about a band like floyd, is any of their stuff country?
    wood duck,

    there is as much evidence for the existance of a wooden god as the is for the existance of pink wooden unicorns.

    when you speak of a wooden god, you use it to mean somthing you don't understand.

    wooden instruments make wooden music for an unidentified reason. to you it must be the work of your wooden god. what you are really saying is that you don't understand why it happens.you like to hide your lack of knowledge behind a wooden god mask.

    one day we will discover why the wooden instruments make wooden music and you will see that what is behind your wooden god is simply you.
    Pink Floyd country? Let's see....

    Pink Floyd play psychedelic music

    Mushrooms are psychedelic

    Mushrooms grow in the country

    Pink Floyd must be country.

    Very woody reasoning

    i have been told that one needs lilt to play country music. it was explained to me that lilt is essential to acheiving skip.

    is this true?

    would you be so kind as to explain each and describe their significance in country music.

    also, are lilt and skip important to country blues music?
    You've been talking to some strange people. To me the feel of country music is one of walking across a paddock, you can stride out, run, skip, roll in the dirt and smell the flowers. It doesn't matter if you step in cow poo, coz in the country even the shit smells good.

    Lilt is "To say, sing, or play (something) in a cheerful, rhythmic manner". I'm sure a music theorist will be able explain how this is translated into music. Now not all country music is cheerful, but the feeling is being miserable in the open air and not being hemmed in by people and buildings.

    Bluegrass players search for that high, lonesome sound
    how about fiddles, willie.

    the fiddle is, i think, only used in country music. the exception being some junk/jug and possibly weird art bands.

    i'm sure we can discuss if junk and jug bands are the same thing in a later thread, we have plenty of work clearing up the county definition for the moment. i am assuming here that junk/jug bands are an urban phenomenon.

    what exactly, or as near as possible, is the difference between a fiddle and a violin?

    what can you tell us about the significance of fiddles in country music?
    Stephane Grappelli, Jean Luc Ponty, Stuff Smith, Joe Venuti.

    Fiddle/violin. Alex the worlds premier blues banjo player reckons it's a matter of how you attack the cat gut. Classically trained violinists have to go against everything they are taught to get that eh eh eeeeeeeeeeeeh start to a country fiddle tune, like say Vassar Clements. I am yet to be convinced that Allison Krauss is anything other than a classical violist masquerading as a bluegrass fiddler. Mind you, I'd never begrudge anyone who can turn a dollar making music.

    I suspect that the violin came in to country music via the anglo/celtic folk tradition. They were portable and ideal for playing dance tunes.

    Don't know about jug bands being an urban phenomenon. More likely a poverty phenomenon.
    so jug bands can be country?

    how about the accordion, piano or button, does it have a place in country music?
    The only accordians I know of in country music are in tex-mex. Peter Rowan and Dwight Yoakam have both used Flaco Jimenez on various tracks, as has Ry Cooder on Chicken Skin Music.

    The piano accordion is synonomous with zydeco.

    I would have thought that German immigrants would have brought button accordions into with them, but maybe they were religious types fleeing persecution in europe and not the leather clad thigh slapping types.
    Then of course there is Polka and some western swing bands had accordion players, although the classic lineup was with a fiddle (or two)
    I just don't believe there wasn't a mention of trucks, lost love, dogs (select which one is dead for yourself) and a whole lot of yee ha dang yoall.
    and a mention of wood logs and the africam connection was so obvious it just screamed dok dok dok

    us country folk are best not cluttering our minds with this pointless city talk.

    the city white coats will explain us, soon, real soon, just a few hundred more studies to go.

    don't think anything we say about country music is important. it can't be as we can't be objective.

    every morning i wake and pray with thanks to our wooden god for the sun and the rain and the time to play a little wooden music at the end of a hard rural day.
    a friend suggested to me that the cover of willie and the poor boys depicts a rural jug band.

    did such bands exist? are there recordings?

    are they, perhaps, just something John Fogerty thought should exist.

    does anyone, in particular you willie, know any more about rural improvised instruments.
    is gospel a kind of country music?
    Random, as far as I can ascertain, jug bands were mainly African American vaudeville performers from the urban south playing a mixture of blues and Appalachian music on improvised instruments. It is said that WC Handy was inspired by these street performers and the result was jazz.

    Gus Cannon's Jug Stompers played around Memphis in the 1900's and made it onto record in the 1920's. I have a vinyl copy.

    There is an abundance of country gospel playing out there.

    Brian, if its lyrics you want, I'm sure one of the lyrics freaks out there can provide a socio-historical transactional analysis of country music lyrics for you.

    I just love the sound of "banjos playing through the broken glass".
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